Youth Adult Partnerships



The Whangarei Youth Space (WYS) was formed and developed by the Whangarei community, for all young people in Whangarei. The project was established by a steering group consisting of 15 organisations and individuals in the Whangarei community who supported this concept, along with a focus group of young people aged 14-24. Having the youth voice involved in the project was instrumental to the early success of WYS, and the Youth Space youth group wished for the youth voice to continue playing a lead role in WYS’s journey. The decision to have governance board consisting of a 50% young people (18-24) and 50% adults (24+) stemmed from this request, and has been in effect ever since.

Youth-Adult Partnerships is a purposeful partnership between young people and adults, this is not only a framework model for supporting reciprocal learning between Adults and Youth, but for promoting engagement, participation and leadership. This way of working is innovative and, as far as we know, unique in New Zealand. Whangarei Youth Space is purposefully working to embed authentic partnerships with young people at every level of our organisation. This approach brings fresh insights and new ideas, keeps us relevant and ensures that we deliver what young people want and need. It provides genuine learning opportunities for young people and significantly advances pathways for youth development and the transition to adulthood.


© 2024 Whangarei Youth Space

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Contact Us:


PO Box 1483, Whangarei 0140

Phone: (09) 972 7248
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